Least Grebe |
Tachybaptus |
dominicus |
Pied-billed Grebe |
Podilymbus |
podiceps |
Neotropic Cormorant |
Phalacrocorax |
brasilianus |
Double-crested Cormorant |
Phalacrocorax |
auritus |
American White Pelican |
Pelecanus |
erythrorhynchos |
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck |
Dendrocygna |
autumnalis |
Greater White-fronted Goose |
Anser |
albifrons |
Snow Goose |
Anser |
caerulescens |
Canada Goose |
Branta |
canadensis |
Wood Duck |
Aix |
sponsa |
American Wigeon |
Anas |
americana |
Gadwall |
Anas |
strepera |
Eurasian Teal |
Anas |
crecca |
Mallard |
Anas |
platyrhynchos |
Mottled Duck |
Anas |
fulvigula |
Northern Pintail |
Anas |
acuta |
Blue-winged Teal |
Anas |
discors |
Cinnamon Teal |
Anas |
cyanoptera |
Northern Shoveler |
Anas |
clypeata |
Ring-necked Duck |
Aythya |
affinis |
Lesser Scaup |
Aythya |
clypeata |
Little Blue Heron |
Aythya |
caerulea |
Snowy Egret |
Egretta |
thula |
Great Blue Heron |
Ardea |
herodias |
Great Egret |
Ardea |
alba |
Cattle Egret |
Bubulcus |
ibis |
Green Heron |
Butorides |
virescens |
Black-crowned Night-Heron |
Nycticorax |
nycticorax |
White-faced Ibis |
Plegadis |
chihi |
Roseate Spoonbill |
Ajaia |
ajaja |
Wood Stork |
Mycteria |
americana |
Black Vulture |
Coragyps |
atratus |
Turkey Vulture |
Cathartes |
aura |
White-tailed Kite |
Elanus |
leucurus |
Northern Harrier |
Circus |
cyaneus |
Sharp-shinned Hawk |
Accipiter |
striatus |
Cooper's Hawk |
Accipiter |
cooperii |
Northern Goshawk |
Accipiter |
gentilis |
Harris' Hawk |
Parabuteo |
unicinctus |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
Buteo |
lineatus |
Broad-winged Hawk |
Buteo |
platypterus |
Swainson's Hawk |
Buteo |
swainsoni |
White-tailed Hawk |
Buteo |
albicaudatus |
Zone-tailed Hawk |
Buteo |
albonotatus |
Red-tailed Hawk |
Buteo |
jamaicensis |
Ferruginous Hawk |
Buteo |
regalis |
Crested Caracara |
Caracara |
cheriway |
American Kestrel |
Falco |
sparverius |
Peregrine Falcon |
Falco |
peregrinus |
Wild Turkey |
Meleagris |
gallopavo |
Scaled Quail |
Callipepla |
squamata |
Northern Bobwhite |
Colinus |
virginianus |
Sora |
Porzana |
carolina |
Common Moorhen |
Gallinula |
chloropus |
American Coot |
Fulica |
americana |
Sandhill Crane |
Grus |
canadensis |
Long-billed Curlew |
Numenius |
americanus |
Upland Sandpiper |
Bartramia |
longicauda |
Greater Yellowlegs |
Tringa |
melanoleuca |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
Tringa |
flavipes |
Solitary Sandpiper |
Tringa |
solitaria |
Spotted Sandpiper |
Tringa |
macularia |
Least Sandpiper |
Calidris |
minutilla |
Baird's Sandpiper
Calidris |
bairdii |
Pectoral Sandpiper |
Calidris |
mexicanus |
Black-necked Stilt |
Himantopus |
minutilla |
Killdeer |
Charadrius |
vociferus |
Mountain Plover |
Charadrius |
montanus |
Rock Dove |
Columba |
livia |
Mourning Dove |
Zenaida |
macroura |
White-winged Dove |
Zenaida |
asiatica |
Inca Dove |
Columbina |
inca |
Common Ground-Dove |
Columbina |
passerina |
White-tipped Dove |
Leptotila |
verreauxi |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo |
Coccyzus |
americanus |
Greater Roadrunner |
Geococcyx |
californianus |
Barn Owl
Tyto |
alba |
Eastern Screech-Owl |
Otus |
asio |
Great Horned Owl |
Bubo |
virginianus |
Barred Owl |
Strix |
varia |
Common Nighthawk |
Chordeiles |
minor |
Chimney Swift |
Chaetura |
pelagica |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
Archilochus |
colubris |
Black-chinned Hummingbird |
Archilochus |
alexandri |
Belted Kingfisher |
Ceryle |
alcyon |
Green Kingfisher |
Chloroceryle |
americana |
Golden-fronted Woodpecker |
Melanerpes |
aurifrons |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
Sphyrapicus |
varius |
Red-naped Sapsucker |
Sphyrapicus |
nuchalis |
Ladder-backed Woodpecker |
Picoides |
scalaris |
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Contopus |
borealis |
Eastern Wood-Pewee |
Contopus |
virens |
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher |
Empidonax |
flaviventris |
Least Flycatcher |
Empidonax |
minimus |
Hammond's Flycatcher |
Empidonax |
hammondii |
Cordilleran Flycatcher |
Empidonax |
occidentalis |
Eastern Phoebe |
Sayornis |
phoebe |
Say's Phoebe |
Sayornis |
saya |
Black Phoebe |
Sayornis |
Nigricans |
Vermilion Flycatcher |
Pyrocephalus |
rubinus |
Ash-throated Flycatcher |
Myiarchus |
cinerascens |
Great Crested Flycatcher |
Myiarchus |
crinitus |
Brown-crested Flycatcher |
Myiarchus |
tyrannulus |
Couch's Kingbird |
Tyrannus |
couchii |
Western Kingbird |
Tyrannus |
verticalis |
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher |
Tyrannus |
forficatus |
Eastern Kingbird |
Tyrannus |
tyrannus |
Great Kiskadee |
Pitangus |
sulphuratus |
Green Jay |
Cyanocorax |
yncas |
Chihuahuan Raven |
Corvus |
cryptoleucus |
Common Raven |
Corvus |
Corax |
Bell's Vireo |
Vireo |
bellii |
White-eyed Vireo |
Vireo |
griseus |
Blue-headed Vireo |
Vireo |
solitarius |
Cassin's Vireo |
Vireo |
cassinii |
Yellow-throated Vireo
Vireo |
flavifrons |
Red-eyed Vireo |
Vireo |
olivaceus |
Yellow-green Vireo |
Vireo |
flavoviridis |
Warbling Vireo |
Vireo |
gilvus |
Loggerhead Shrike |
Lanius |
ludovicianus |
Cedar Waxwing |
Bombycilla |
cedrorum |
Eastern Bluebird |
Sialia |
sialis |
Swainson's Thrush |
Catharus |
guttatus |
Hermit Thrush |
Catharus |
guttatus |
American Robin |
Turdus |
migratorius |
Gray Catbird |
Dumetella |
carolinensis |
Northern Mockingbird |
Mimus |
polyglottos |
Long-billed Thrasher |
Toxostoma |
longirostre |
Curve-billed Thrasher |
Toxostoma |
curvirostre |
Common Starling |
Sturnus |
vulgaris |
Red-breasted Nuthatch |
Sitta |
canadensis |
Brown Creeper |
Certhia |
americana |
Cactus Wren |
Campylorhynchus |
brunneicapillus |
Sedge Wren |
Cistothorus |
platensis |
Bewick's Wren |
Thryomanes |
bewickii |
Carolina Wren |
Thryothorus |
ludovicianus |
Winter Wren |
Troglodytes |
troglodytes |
House Wren |
Troglodytes |
aedon |
Verdin |
Auriparus |
flaviceps |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher |
Polioptila |
caerulea |
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher |
Polioptila |
melanura |
Tree Swallow |
Tachycineta |
bicolor |
Purple Martin |
Progne |
subis |
Sand Martin |
Riparia |
riparia |
Barn Swallow |
Hirundo |
rustica |
Cliff Swallow |
Hirundo |
Cave Swallow |
Hirundo |
fulva |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Regulus |
calendula |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Regulus |
satrapa |
Carolina Chickadee |
Parus |
carolinensis |
Black-crested Titmouse |
Parus |
atricristatus |
Horned Lark |
Eremophila |
alpestris |
House Sparrow |
Passer |
domesticus |
Buff-bellied Pipit |
Anthus |
rubescens |
Sprague's Pipit |
Anthus |
spragueii |
Pine Siskin |
Carduelis |
pinus |
American Goldfinch |
Carduelis |
tristis |
Lesser Goldfinch |
Carduelis |
psaltria |
House Finch |
Carpodacus |
mexicanus |
Tennessee Warbler |
Vermivora |
peregrina |
Orange-crowned Warbler |
Vermivora |
celata |
Nashville Warbler |
Vermivora |
ruficapilla |
Northern Parula |
Parula |
americana |
Yellow Warbler |
Dendroica |
petechia |
Magnolia Warbler |
Dendroica |
magnolia |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Dendroica |
coronata |
(Audubon''s Warbler) |
Dendroica |
c. auduboni |
Black-throated Gray Warbler |
Dendroica |
nigrescens |
Townsend's Warbler |
Dendroica |
townsendi |
Black-throated Green Warbler |
Dendroica |
virens |
Pine Warbler |
Dendroica |
pinus |
Bay-breasted Warbler |
Dendroica |
castanea |
Black-and-white Warbler |
Mniotilta |
varia |
American Redstart |
Setophaga |
ruticilla |
Louisiana Waterthrush |
Seiurus |
motacilla |
Common Yellowthroat |
Geothlypis |
trichas |
Wilson's Warbler |
Wilsonia |
pusilla |
Rufous-capped Warbler |
Basileuterus |
rufifrons |
Lark Bunting |
Calamospiza |
melanocorys |
Song Sparrow |
Melospiza |
melodia |
Lincoln's Sparrow |
Melospiza |
lincolnii |
Swamp Sparrow |
Melospiza |
georgiana |
White-crowned Sparrow |
Zonotrichia |
leucophrys |
White-throated Sparrow |
Zonotrichia |
albicollis |
Dark-eyed Junco |
Junco |
hyemalis |
Savannah Sparrow |
Passerculus |
sandwichensis |
Grasshopper Sparrow |
Ammodramus |
savannarum |
Chipping Sparrow |
Spizella |
passerina |
Clay-colored Sparrow |
Spizella |
pallida |
Field Sparrow |
Spizella |
pusilla |
Vesper Sparrow |
Pooecetes |
gramineus |
Lark Sparrow |
Chondestes |
grammacus |
Black-throated Sparrow |
Amphispiza |
bilineata |
Cassin's Sparrow |
Aimophila |
cassinii |
Eastern Towhee |
Pipilo |
erythrophthalmus |
Spotted Towhee |
Pipilo |
maculatus |
Canyon Towhee |
Pipilo |
fuscus |
Olive Sparrow |
Arremonops |
rufivirgatus |
Summer Tanager |
Piranga |
rubra |
Dickcissel |
Spiza |
americana |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Pheucticus |
ludovicianus |
Northern Cardinal |
Cardinalis |
cardinalis |
Pyrrhuloxia |
Cardinalis |
sinuatus |
Blue Grosbeak |
Guiraca |
caerulea |
Indigo Bunting |
Passerina |
cyanea |
Painted Bunting |
Passerina |
ciris |
Baltimore Oriole |
Icterus |
galbula |
Bullock's Oriole |
Icterus |
bullockii |
Orchard Oriole |
Icterus |
spurius |
Audubon's Oriole |
Icterus |
graduacauda |
Red-winged Blackbird |
Agelaius |
phoeniceus |
Eastern Meadowlark |
Sturnella |
magna |
Western Meadowlark |
Sturnella |
neglecta |
Great-tailed Grackle |
Quiscalus |
mexicanus |
Common Grackle |
Quiscalus |
quiscula |
Bronzed Cowbird |
Molothrus |
aeneus |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
Molothrus |
ater |
Number of Species documented: |
as of 4/1/07 |
220 |